When the Stars Align - Part 1 - Shiori's

May 10, 2012
Fandom: Naruto
Summary: True love is like when the stars align; its brilliant, its explosive and- sometimes it stalks you?
Pairing: ItaSak, InoSas
CU- nonmassacre

Our story starts on a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon, in an out-of-the-way cafe called simply ‘Shiori’s’.  No one knew
why it was named ‘Shiori’s’, as the owner was not named Shiori, nor was his daughter, wife, sister, cousin, mother, aunt, grandmother, best friend... et cetera et cetera.  And when asked why, he would merely smile knowingly and make up some excuse to be somewhere else, so eventually everyone had given up asking.

But that is neither here nor there, and is simply an amusing little side-tale to the real story.  The only reason it is in the least bit relevant is that our real story starts in this cafe.  Shiori’s.

It starts, specifically, in one of the booths right up against the windows in the front of the cafe, furthest from the door with a good view of the entire cafe, sans the insides of the bathroom, a corner of the kitchen, a broom closet and about three inches that were blocked every few minutes or so by patrons coming and going via the door.

The best location in the cafe for a well-seasoned nin to sit and enjoy themselves without completely letting down their guard.

And it is in this booth where Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura are enjoying afternoon tea as they catch up after nearly a month of little to no contact, due to duties in the hospital and out on the field respectively.  The two are chatting idly about Ino’s home and flower shop when the blonde abruptly cuts off her tirade on daisies, gaze fixed outside.

Sakura followed her line of sight, and her eyebrows swept up her larger-than-normal forehead at the sight that met her eyes.  Across the street stood a small shop that sold trinkets, mostly of the frilly variety that was favored by civilians.  This was not what caught the two kunoichi’s interest.  It was the man peeking uncomfortably through the window of said shop.

“I heard he’s been seeing Mitarashi Anko.”

Ino’s voice snapped Sakura’s attention back onto her friend, to find that the blonde was still watching the man with absolutely no subtlety at all.  “Oh?” Sakura asked.  “She’s not a frilly trinket kind of person.”

“Should we break the news to him?” Ino asked, eying the man oddly.

Sakura returned her gaze to find that he was inching toward the door, looking like he was trying to draw up the courage to actually go in.  Finally, though, he stopped, shook his head and stepped back.  Both girls exhaled in relief.  “It’s a shame he’s taken,” Ino continued, sighing regretfully.  “He really is cute.  And apparently sweet, according to Sasuke-kun.”

“You’re talking to Sasuke again?” Sakura asked with some surprise.  Last she’d heard, the two were ‘off again’, due to Sasuke being an arrogant, stick-up-his-ass, Uchiha perfectionist.

Ino nodded without averting her gaze from the slight spectacle the man across the street was making of himself.  He was apparently back to indecision of entering the shop.  “Yeah.  He showed up on my doorstep with roses and a book of poems.”

“Sasuke?” Sakura prodded.  “As in Uchiha Sasuke?  Like, the heir to the Uchiha household?  That Sasuke?”

Ino shot her a lukewarm glare.  “Yes ‘that Sasuke’.  Who else?”

“Poems,” Sakura replied bluntly.

The blonde didn’t hear her, as she was already talking again.  “Ouch, he went in.  Someone should save him.”

“Not!” Sakura chirped.

“It,” Ino added quickly.

“Oh, you bitch,” Sakura groused, but got up.  “I’ll be right back.”  She got halfway through the cafe before stopping.  “What’s his name again?” she called back, at a loss.

“Shisui,” her blonde friend replied.  “Good luuucck!”

Sand Trails - Lost - ItaSak

May 4, 2012
Wide green eyes stared around at all the people.  At the colorful displays, the pretty pictures, the delightful-smelling booths.  The fair.  Truly a wonderful place.

So of course, it took four year old Haruno Sakura no time at all to get lost.  At first she didn’t notice, not even when she begged a vendor for food and he gave it to her, saying she should wait right there for a few minutes while he made a call.

Happily, she munched on the gifted food and wandered off again, forgetting the man�...

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Sand Trails - Messy (Hidan x Hinata)

May 3, 2012
Rated: Mature
Universe: Naruto - AU - Sand Trails

It was messy, hot and awkward.  Her legs were wrapped around his hips, fingers clutching the back of his shirt over his shoulder blades.  One of his hands was clutching at her waist, fingers digging in to keep her up.  The other had dipped down, fingers splayed over her ass so she wouldn’t slip.  The back of his hips knocked against the clean countertop.

And they were still kissing.

The pale-skinned goddess made a soft mewling noise that nearly ...

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