Kai paced anxiously back and forth in the waiting room.  His hands rubbed against each other, fingers aching from the repetitive movement, but he couldn’t stop.  He was so worried.  Mother had been in there for so long....

His gaze slid to the side as he passed by the silent man sitting in a chair.  The man didn’t look at him.  He didn’t even really appear to know why they were here.  Baka ningen, Kai grumbled mentally.

As if hearing his thoughts, Sosuke Watanari looked up.  “Kai, sit down,” he mumbled.  “Emiko will be done soon.”

They hadn’t even let Sosuke in, but Kai didn’t blame them.  None of them had expected this complication.

Kai continued to pace.  Okaasan...  His beloved mother.  Pregnant for eight and a half months, currently giving birth to Kai’s new baby sister.  The twelve year old was more nervous than any of them, too.  He’d wanted to try the protection spell, but Mother had said no.  It would only upset his father.

The young witch-in-training scoffed.  Upset his father.  His pathetic, normal father, who had only recently found out about the family gifts.  Who had been furious and shoved the pregnant Emiko down the stairs.

The rage festered.  Kai hated him, Sosuke.  Hated.  He’d never felt so much anger directed toward a single person before.  A possessiveness had risen when his mother hadn’t gotten up, something that Kai had never displayed before.

Don’t just stand there, aho!  Call 911!

And then the frantic ride to the hospital (Kai had ridden with Emiko; Sosuke drove afterward).

Step, step, step, step, turn.

“Kai.  You’re going to wear a hole into the floor,” Sosuke said.

Don’t you talk to me,” Kai snarled back, face flushed with fury.

Sosuke didn’t speak again, and Kai continued to pace.  Until the doctor came and told them Emiko and his baby sister were alright.  The doctor brought Sosuke and Kai to see them, but Kai wouldn’t let Sosuke near her.  Threatened under his breath to turn Sosuke into an obakemono, and trap him in a jar.

Sosuke stayed back, eventually left.  They wouldn’t see him again.

Emiko named the girl Tsuki, after the moon, after luck.  “She is our lucky moon.”