Shinji walks to center stage, where there is a large white board.  He picks up a marker, and scrawls something in kanji.  Then, beneath it, he writes, “Bloody Woman Omake Theatre” and “Poker Night


Arana was not, is not and would never be allowed to play with the guys during Poker Night.  They made the mistake once, and they would never, ever, ever do so again.

Black witches - male, female or hermaphrodite - cheat.  Extensively.  Or exclusively, in the Lady’s case.

It was a night not long after the Boys convinced her to stay.  The rain was falling outside harder than it seemed possible.  Thunder boomed, lightning flashed, and Medic suggested Poker.

Since no one had anywhere to be (and it was raining like someone upstairs forgot to turn off the faucet), they all agreed.  Poker?  Good idea.  So they got together, broke out chips and alcohol (and chocolate), and Medic dealt the first hand.

Arana won.  They all shrugged (Beginner’s luck, Svorak figured; Lady’s luck, Christoph thought; Goddammit, Medic mentally grumbled) and the next hand was dealt.

Arana won.  Very good beginner’s luck, Svorak amended hopefully.  Christoph just resolved to watch the woman.  And Medic...  “Fuck.”

The next hand was dealt- “Okay, how the hell’re you doing it!?” Medic burst out.  Arana had won again.

The brunette blinked at him innocently.  “Doing it?  Doing what, kiddo?” she asked.  She was actually thinking about breaking out a cigarette for the next game; just because it amused her.

“The winning!  And- and the winning!  Every round!” he blustered.


“Errrgg...”  The man sat down, glowering at her.  She just broke out a cigarette, and the game continued.

Next three rounds, Arana lost.  Then she won again.  And again.  And- “Alright, I saw that, Lady, and that is cheating!” Svorak snapped.  Mystics.

“Erm...”  Christoph blinked at his cards.  Hadn’t he just been holding three Aces?  He frowned at the Lady of the group, and looked at Svorak.  “What is she doing?”

“She’s cheating!” Medic announced, almost victoriously.

Arana yawned, putting out her cigarette.  “Yep.”

They were all dumbfounded into silence.  She wasn’t going to deny it?  Wasn’t that what usually happened...?  “That’s it?” Svorak asked after a beat.

“Yes.”  She smiled, picked up her newly won money and left to buy a new carton of cigarettes.

They just gaped after her, for three... two... one-

“Hey!  That’s my money!” Medic yelled, and ran after her.